School-based crime prevention programs can be enormously effective and I'll give you a few reasons why that is the case. 'Twas a dangerous cliff, as they freely confessed, Though to walk near its crest was so pleasant. But over its terrible edge there had slipped A duke and full many a peasant. So the people said something would have to be done, But their projects did not at all tally, Some said, ' Put a fence 'round the edge of the cliff'; Some, 'An ambulance down in the valley.' This is the beginning of a poem that was written over 100 years ago about prevention and how effective it is to prevent people from falling off of the cliff instead of just having an ambulance down in the valley. I'll share the rest of the poem with you at the end of the article. I'm a member of the board…
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Bullying in general is something that we've got to address a little bit better in our communities. It's becoming more of a problem all over the planet. The specific topic of today's video has to do with adolescents which bullying tends to increase as we get into those adolescent years, and girls particularly in middle school. When we were shooting the video for this topic at Live On Purpose TV, both Allie and Alisha who were filming said, "Oh, yeah, girls can be awful. Mean Girls." There is even a movie with that name. Girls can be even worse than boys when it comes to bullying. It can be a big problem. There are different forms of bullying. Think of a spectrum or a continuum, maybe on the less severe end of that spectrum we've got teasing, banter. Especially friendly or playful banter. As you move toward the other end…
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Let's do a definition to start this off. Moral: Concerned with the principles of right and wrong behavior and the goodness or badness of human character. Moral decision-making is basically how do we decide to do what we do based on whether it's right or wrong. And we understand what's right or wrong based on our culture, our training, our upbringing. All of these things tend to shape our moral decision-making. But there's something that goes even deeper than that and maybe you'll relate with me here on this. I believe that ingrained in human beings is what I sometimes call a natural knowing. It's the ability to connect with something that is true naturally. I had an opportunity for a while to run treatment groups at a youth correctional facility. Now, this is a place where young people had been incarcerated for decisions that they had made. I noticed…
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