How To Control Your Thoughts

By M-Power

Honestly, I don’t know if you can control your thoughts. Let’s do a little test. Let’s just try this out. Think about bananas. Think about the color, texture, and taste of bananas. Imagine what they look like, what they feel like. You got it? Okay, step 2. Do not think about grapefruit. You know the round ones that are sour and they kind of squirt you in the eye when you stick a spoon in them? Do not think about grapefruit. How are you doing? Oh! You’re thinking about grapefruit, aren’t you? I told you not to. What’s wrong? Well, can you control your thoughts? Notice it’s not too hard to intentionally think about something on purpose. It’s really hard to intentionally not think about something on purpose. There are so many triggers in our environment. I can be driving down the freeway in my car and suddenly I’m thinking…

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