Questions in Disguise

By M-Power

Questions are power tools of change. Power tools work best when plugged in and turned on. Sometimes the questions we ask are not really questions.  My friend and creative editor, Tom Cantrell, called me on this recently when he asked, “Was that a question, or a statement disguised as a question?” Here’s a common example: “How can I be happy with all of this going on?”  That’s not a bad question, if it is used as a question.  Normally a question like this really means, “I can’t be happy with all of this going on” – it is a statement disguised as a question.  Another example is in my last message – “What could possibly be good about this?”  Another great question, if you stay plugged in to the question.  “Nothing could possibly be good about this” is the statement that sometimes gets into that question’s disguise.  Plug in the power – turn it back into a question and get…

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Accountability Questions

By M-Power

On the victim pendulum, one extreme is blaming someone or something else for everything that happens to you.  “I’ts not my fault!” is the victim’s creed, as they look to favorite targets to blame for their misery – whether that be the economy, their ex-spouse, the government, their parents, or whatever.  The other extreme of the victim pendulum is not as commonly discussed, but far too commonly experienced.  At the other end of the pendulum swing is blaming self.  This is where you have created all of the misery in your own life and in the lives of those around you through your foolish choices.  You become a victim of yourself as you beat yourself up for being the cause of your misery.  Consider these four questions as you get back to accountability, and avoid the extreme swings of the victim pendulum. How is this about me?  Remember everything has…

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The Choice

By M-Power

I want to put a warning out there to all of my friends.  The warning has to do with a deception that is creating a lot of havoc in the lives of unsuspecting people everywhere.  This deception is the most prevalent and potentially dangerous of any I know, and a major part of your energy should be dedicated to identifying and combating it – for if you are deceived by it, your life will predictably become miserable as a result.  The deception of which I speak is the belief that you have no choice.  This is the most damaging part of a victim paradigm.  What happens to you or around you in your life is not nearly as important as what happens within you.  You can’t always control what is happening, but you will always retain what Viktor Frankl called “the last of human freedoms” – to choose your attitude…

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