
Change Required

By October 8, 2008 4 Comments

When I take the family on road trips to Seattle to visit family, we have to cross the beautiful Cascade mountains.  When weather is such that there is a likelihood of snow over the pass, a big sign over the freeway reads “CHAINS REQUIRED”.  Life gives us many crossroads and unanticipated challenges.  Life’s warning sign may read, “ROUGH ROAD AHEAD, CHANGE REQUIRED.”  The other direction is the more comfortable and easy route where no change is required, but it leads to stuckness.  Robert Frost wrote some timeless lines about this choice…


          Two roads diverged in a wood and I—

                   I took the one less traveled by.

                   And that has made all the difference.


Choose well!

Join the discussion 4 Comments

  • Angella Joy says:

    Sometimes, and lately…. both roads seem to look the same in ugliness and difficulty. Both have large ruts and big boulders, and what seems to be no clear end in sight. God pushes me down one of them due to circumstances beyond my control… Or at least, standing still just isn’t an option.


  • Dr. Paul says:

    A subscriber, Mike, shares this thought via e-mail…

    Thank you for the great thought this morning. I look forward to reading these. Along the same lines, I keep a replica Allosaurus tooth on my desk at work to remind me of the need to change and adapt. The Allosaurus was once the biggest, baddest bully on the block, but today is just fossils because of its inability to adapt to a changing world.

  • When will you make this trek, next? I’d enjoy meeting with you in Seattle.

    –Dave C.

  • Katie says:

    Amen. That is so true!